About Shivani Lucki
Shivani is a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and student of Swami Kriyananda since 1969. She is pioneer of the Ananda movements in the U.S. and Europe, where she co-founded the Yogananda Academy of Europe, and established therein the schools of Raja Yoga Meditation Teacher Training, and Life Therapy Self-Healing. She travels widely through Europe and India giving programs and seminars in the art of self-healing and the science of Self-realization.
Learn how to tap into the inexhaustible source of Life Force, to nourish, purify and regenerate the entire body, strengthen the nerves, and build stronger immunity.
“All disease has its roots in the mind.” Learn to use the superpowers of the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious dimensions of the mind to break the stranglehold of negative habits.
Use the law of magnetism to achieve healthy relationships, improve economic circumstances, and protect yourself from harmful influences.
Learn how to tap into the inexhaustible source of Life Force, to nourish, purify and regenerate the entire body, strengthen the nerves, and build stronger immunity.
Use the law of magnetism to achieve healthy relationships, improve economic circumstances, and protect yourself from harmful influences.
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What you are holding is not just a book: it is a treasure chest of wisdom that will make you healthier, happier, more confident in yourself, and enthusiastic about your life. Like everything that Shivani creates, this compendium of Yogananda’s teachings broadens our perspective so that we see ourselves as creators of our destiny. The personal stories of people’s struggles and victories included throughout the books hearten us to make every circumstance in our life a springboard for greater success.
Andrey Skakodub
Brace yourself as you delve into this literary masterpiece, for its words possess an undeniable ability to unearth the hidden depths of your soul and reveal secrets of self-healing from one of the great masters of our times, Paramhansa Yogananda. The author seamlessly weaves together intricate threads of wisdom in such a way as to reshape the perception of our relationship to ourselves, to others, and to the divine healing power that lies within.
Dr. Ruchi Matta
With clarity, precision, and depth of understanding, Shivani has delivered a masterpiece that in my opinion must be made part of medical curriculum. Modern medicine recognizes all diseases as psychosomatic, thus emphasizing the importance of thoughts patterns engrained in subconscious mind as the origin of ill health. The many case studies presented in the book confirm my experience as a clinical psychiatrist: the practices of affirmations, meditation and positive attitudes not only help patients with disease remission but also prevention. A must read for all who want to live a healthy life in this maddening world.
Dr. Mona Choudhary
This book is a marvelous blend of science and spirituality, both necessary for a perfectly healthy life. Shivani has zealously endowed the Life Force trilogy with the elixir of the transformative self-healing teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, which she herself has practiced and taught for half a century. The delightful personal experiences of people from around the world add a dimension of immediacy, demonstrating that the practices in the book are effective even and especially in times of physical and emotional peril. As a teacher of preventive medicine, I know the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If we adopt even some of the wise suggestions in this book for both our physical and “mental diet,” we can develop strong immunity and enjoy better health.
Dr. Pallavi Shukla
Shivani and I grew up together spiritually, under the watchful eye of Swami Kriyananda. She preceded me by a few years, but both of us were founding members of the first Ananda community in California. She worked in the garden, I in the kitchen. It was simple living. Some might call it primitive. No amenities, very little money, and, in the eyes of many, no future. For us, it was heaven on earth. The foundation for all the blessings, opportunities, and accomplishments that have come in the fifty years since, is those first years of living for God. From the beginning, Shivani had a passion for what we called “Paramhansa Yogananda’s Original Teachings.” Very little of his teaching was available then, and what did exist was highly edited to exclude, or water down, many of his most revolutionary ideas. Shivani was not satisfied with second-hand reports. She wanted the never published, or long-out-of-print original documents, hidden in dusty attics and bureau drawers of his direct disciples. Shivani bought a copy machine and as fast as she gathered these treasures, she shared them with kindred spirits who had the same passion for the original teachings of the master. Much of what we have now of Yogananda’s original written and spoken words, are a result of her determination to find and share them. Shivani, however, did much more than collect. She studied, practiced, and gave her heart and soul to mastering the principles and techniques he taught. Her special interest, always, was Yogananda’s healing methods. The fruit of those decades of unrelenting effort by Shivani is this remarkable, unprecedented collection of teachings. No mere intellectual compendium, this is Truth explored, experienced, and shared by one who knows. A gift for the ages.
Asha Nayaswami
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