Life Force Energization

Miraculous Recovery
Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here? I must go and find someone to ask them, but I can’t move.
The intensive care nurse told me that I had been in a near-fatal highway accident and that my husband and I were lucky to be alive. In my case, the “luck” was that I had not perished but had “only” seventeen broken ribs, two fractured knees, an injured spine, and broken teeth.
The doctor said that I must lie perfectly still and unmoving. Nevertheless I began to do the Energization Exercises mentally, and it wasn’t long until I could feel the healing energy reaching my broken bones and aching muscles.
The next morning, with the nurse’s help, I was able to stand as we walked slowly to the bathroom. For the next two weeks I continued my practice, and soon I could do the Exercises physically as well. After fifteen days I was dismissed from the hospital, and after three months I am pretty much back to my normal life.
The doctors had said that my recovery would take at least twelve months, but they didn’t know about the secret healing power of Energization.
–Vinu, New Delhi
Root Canal
The first shot of anesthesia failed to numb my mouth. The dentist thought that a second shot would do the trick, but when he began to drill, I cried out for a third. Mumbling and dribbling, I left the dentist’s office in a daze. A few steps outside, the anesthesia started to wear off, and I experienced such a powerful pain in my mouth, jaw, and head that my world shrank to a bubble of agony.
Across the road from the dentist’s office there was a small park with a statue of the Madonna. Somehow, I managed to cross the street and find a bench to sit on at the foot of the statue. At first I tried to meditate the pain away, but it wasn’t working. Desperate for relief, I tried sending healing energy as I had been taught when I learned the Energization Exercises. I clenched my teeth, and with deep concentration and willpower, I began drawing healing energy into my body and directing it to my painful mouth. I strongly visualized healing light and energy entering through the medulla and arriving at my mouth as I clenched my teeth. When I relaxed, I visualized the energy spreading and being absorbed by the traumatized tooth, gums, jaw, and cells.
After starting slowly, I continued to tense and relax, and after no more than a minute the pain was almost gone!
I got up and began walking while I continued tensing to draw healing energy, then relaxed to let it saturate the painful areas. After ten minutes, not only was the pain completely gone, it was replaced by a state of deep joy such as I had never experienced.
This was one of my first and strongest early experiences with applying Energization for healing, and it showed me what a powerful tool it is.
– Arudra, Ananda Assisi
Root Canal
The first shot of anesthesia failed to numb my mouth. The dentist thought that a second shot would do the trick, but when he began to drill, I cried out for a third. Mumbling and dribbling, I left the dentist’s office in a daze. A few steps outside, the anesthesia started to wear off, and I experienced such a powerful pain in my mouth, jaw, and head that my world shrank to a bubble of agony.
Across the road from the dentist’s office there was a small park with a statue of the Madonna. Somehow, I managed to cross the street and find a bench to sit on at the foot of the statue. At first I tried to meditate the pain away, but it wasn’t working. Desperate for relief, I tried sending healing energy as I had been taught when I learned the Energization Exercises. I clenched my teeth, and with deep concentration and willpower, I began drawing healing energy into my body and directing it to my painful mouth. I strongly visualized healing light and energy entering through the medulla and arriving at my mouth as I clenched my teeth. When I relaxed, I visualized the energy spreading and being absorbed by the traumatized tooth, gums, jaw, and cells.
After starting slowly, I continued to tense and relax, and after no more than a minute the pain was almost gone!
I got up and began walking while I continued tensing to draw healing energy, then relaxed to let it saturate the painful areas. After ten minutes, not only was the pain completely gone, it was replaced by a state of deep joy such as I had never experienced.
This was one of my first and strongest early experiences with applying Energization for healing, and it showed me what a powerful tool it is.
– Arudra, Ananda Assisi
Covid Cure
I certainly hadn’t planned on getting Covid, and definitely not this severely. I had been vaccinated three days before, but the full protection hadn’t set in, and before I was even sure that the symptoms weren’t simply a vaccination reaction, I was in intensive care and the doctors refused to say with certainty that I would survive.By the third day, I was gaining some mental clarity, and the thought came that the spiritual laws hadn’t been suspended even in these challenging conditions. I did several of the Energization Exercises, first in bed with pillow support, then on my feet after unplugging the oxygen machine. Each day I added a few exercises until I began to feel that I was re-connecting with the cosmic source of healing, which I experienced as an instantaneous sensation of light and energy filling and repairing my lungs.
By the time I was discharged, the whole hospital was talking about my “minor miracle” – not only of surviving such an extreme case of the virus, but doing it all so joyfully and quickly.
– Giulia, Milan