Healing with Life Force: PRANA

Volume One of the trilogy shows how to use the power that created the universe Life Force to infuse our bodies with vital energy, nourish the body cells with prana, and keep it free from toxins and impurities. It brings together in one book the techniques developed by the spiritual master, Paramhansa Yogananda, including the Energization Recharging Exercises, meditations, heliotropic and magnetic applications, dietary and detox recipes. It includes the metaphysical and physical laws of health and wellbeing, and the impact on our health of past karma.
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Readers have access to the online Appendices using a QR code or URL link. Each of the five Parts of the book has extensive supplemental resources including a complete video instruction course by the author in Yogananda’s Energization Exercises, guided audio meditations and visualizations with the author, video instruction in pranayama practices and yoga postures for meditation, video lectures by Swami Kriyananda, and more than twenty articles by Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda, many of them previously unpublished on subjects that include secrets of spiritual healing; the yogic diet; fasting; how to overcome chronic fatigue, and more.Modern life is not conducive to good health. Pollution, climate change, sensory overload, all make this a time in which healthy, happy living is becoming harder to find, and a challenge to maintain.And we never know when a “karmic bomb” may explode in our lives. The techniques here will help improve your quality of life now, and prepare you to cope with whatever challenges may come. If you are presently enjoying good health, this book will help you achieve an even more dynamic state of wellbeing.
If you are prone to illness, anxiety, fear, and disappointments, or if your energy reserves are flagging, this book can set you on a path to physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional stability, and inner peace.
SHIVANI LUCKI left her legal studies and a promising career in Washington, D.C. when she realized her quest for truth and justice would not be fulfilled in the classroom or courtroom. Her gypsy journey across the United States eventually led to California where she began a serious practice of yoga and meditation with Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda.
In June of 1969 she became a founding member of the Ananda World Brotherhood Village, established by Swami Kriyananda in the Siera Nevada foothills of northern California.
Her special passion has always been the self-healing techniques of Yogananda, taking as her unique mission to find and share these mostly out of print or never published teachings. In 1985 she and her husband transferred to Europe where they helped establish the meditation and yoga retreat and spiritual community at Ananda Assisi. Here she co-founded the Yogananda Academy of Europe and its schools of Raja Yoga Meditation Teacher Training and the Life Therapy school of healing.
Known worldwide as the author of Autobiography of a Yogi, and revered as India’s “spiritual ambassador to the West,” Paramhansa Yogananda brought the ancient teachings of Sanatan Dharma into the modern age as the “Science of Self-realization.”
He lived in the United States from 1920 until his passing in 1952. From his original center in Boston, he travelled widely across the country, giving lectures in most of the major cities. So popular were his lectures that as many as 5000 people attended them in some of America’s largest auditoriums. He was the first Indian spiritual master to be invited to the White House to meet the President of the United States.
Through his writings and the exemplary lives of those who live and teach his methods, Yogananda continues to influence and uplift people all over the world, by showing them the way to a happier, healthier, and more deeply fulfilling life.
Part I: In the Beginning
Chapter One: The Origin Story
Chapter Two: Parallel Universes
Chapter Three: The Day of Brahma
Chapter Four: Human Evolution
Chapter Five: Ego Transformation
Chapter Six: Signs of Wellness and Symptoms of Disease
Chapter Seven: What About Karma?
Part II: Meditation Therapy
Chapter One: Self-Realization
Chapter Two: Health Benefits
Chapter Three: Meditation Metaphysics
Chapter Four: The Meditation Journey
Chapter Five: Concentration
Chapter Six: Meditation Experiences
Chapter Seven: Self-Healing in Meditation
Chapter Eight: Kriya Meditation
Chapter Nine: Sage Advice
Part III: Life Force Heals
Chapter One: The Age of Energy
Chapter Two: The Prana Diet
Chapter Three: Prana, the Spine, and the Chakras
Chapter Four: Willpower
Part IV: Energize!
Chapter One: Take Charge of Your Health
Chapter Two: Life Force Energization Exercises
Chapter Three: More Life Force Exercises
Part V: Lifestyle
Chapter One: Your Pranic Diet
Chapter Two: Exercise
Chapter Three: Detox
“The deepest level of healing comes from Universal Prana and Universal Consciousness, which we can learn to access through special Yoga practices such as taught by great yogis notably Paramhansa Yogananda and his lineage.
Healing with Life Force by Shivani Lucki, an experienced disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda, reveals these yogic healing secrets in a practical manner to connect us to our inner Prana for health and wellness, to restore our vitality and immunity and improve our longevity, giving us the power to help heal others as well.”
—Dr. David Frawley, Vedacharya and Ayurvedic teacher, USA
Life Force is a compendium of all that one needs to know about self-healing, written by a respected teacher who has been practicing and sharing the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda for fifty years. Each book in this unique trilogy offers transformative techniques for those who seek better health, inner peace, and a harmonious life.
–Padma Shri D. R. Kaarthikeyan, former director CBI and current president,
Foundation for Peace, Harmony and Good Governance, India
“An extraordinary collection of teachings, unprecedented. Not a mere intellectual compendium, but Truth explored, lived and shared by someone who knows it. A gift for centuries to come.”
– Asha Nayaswami, author, USA
For the past ten years, I have been using many of the self-healing techniques which author Shivani Lucki includes in the Life Force trilogy. These are surgical tools which can be used to heal not only physical, mental, and emotional illnesses, but also to eliminate the stubborn roots of past karma. The positive results I have seen—their efficacy in bringing about lasting change—have convinced me that every single word of these teachings is packed with truth and power. Thank you, Shivani, for compiling these techniques into a comprehensive and accessible resource.
–Rashmi Krishnan, former Secretary of Social Welfare, Delhi, India
In thirty years as a medical doctor, I feel health is our natural state. We get diseases when we create barriers. This book will help you to remove those barriers step by step and bring you back to your own natural state of pristine health and vitality.
–Dr Amit Aggarwal, Pune, India
The Life Force trilogy is the ultimate collection of the physical and metaphysical techniques governing our health and happiness. The real-life stories throughout the books demonstrate what is possible when we determine to have a better life. Read it and experiment for yourself !
–Dr. Abhilasha Kumar, Basil, Switzerland
Each chapter of Life Force defines a bold new paradigm of self-healing, in synergy with modern-day understanding of the power of the Self,”
–Dr. Vandana Jaisingh, Mumbai, India
Life Force is not just a handbook, but an authentic and valuable road book that leads us on a fascinating and profound journey starting from the origins of Cosmic Energy. For me it became a living experience that transformed an illness into an opportunity to know in an intimate way the Great Consoling Force that sustained my body, my mind, and provided relief from pain even when traditional medicines had no effect.
–Dr. Mirabai Valentina Ponfilio, Milan, Italy
Healing with Life Force is a testimony to the living wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda and to the deep desire to share the joy and healing that Shivani has experienced by living these teachings for more than fifty years. Healing with Life Force addresses the concept of health in its multiple aspects, from the moment of conception, throughout the journey of life, to the soul’s final passage through the portals of death. Each volume is enriched by compelling personal stories which illustrate the principles expounded and persuasively demonstrate the role we must assume personally in our healing process.
–Dr. Aditya Gait, Pune, India
“Reading and putting into practice this book is an inspiring, joyful and impactful experience; from its stories, anecdotes, testimonies, and correlations with scientific studies, one can see the enthusiasm, knowledge, and wisdom that Shivani has assimilated in over fifty years of practice. A must-read and study for those who truly thirst and hunger for consciousness and knowledge.”
– Dr. Dhananjaya Fabio Basalisco, Monopoli, Italy
In thirty years as a medical doctor, I feel health is our natural state. We get diseases when we create barriers. This book will help you to remove those barriers step by step and bring you back to your own natural state of pristine health and vitality.
–Dr Amit Aggarwal, MD, Professor of Medicine, Symbiosis Medical College, Pune
Healing with Life Force: Mind

Volume Two, Mind, deals with our mental and emotional health. You discover the superpowers of your conscious, subconscious, and superconscious dimensions of the mind, learning how to improve your concentration, strengthen your willpower, and develop your intuition. This volume offers extensive advice for breaking the stranglehold of negative habits, for using affirmations to carve new thought habits in the brain, for learning to cooperate with the highest source of healing—Divine Love, and techniques for channeling healing Life Force to others.
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Readers have access to the online Appendices using a QR code or URL link. Each of the four Parts of the book includes extensive supplemental material including video instruction by the author in the practice of Superconscious Living Exercises, twenty articles by Yogananda and Kriyananda on subjects like how to analyze dreams; overcome fear and anger; eliminate harmful habits and create good ones; use scientific healing affirmations; how to pray and get your prayers answered; how to use your hands as channels for healing Life Force; and more.
The second volume of Healing with Life Force: Mind highlights a capacity unique to humans: free will. It invites us to apply this instrument to create good habits to replace unhealthy ones and to consciously choose positive thoughts to combat anxiety, negativity, and fear. We discover healing tools we never knew existed.
–Dr. Kriti Maroli, MDS
Healing with Life Force is imbued with the power and spirit of a great world teacher. The author shares with us the essence of Paramhansa Yogananda’s timeless teachings, which were first articulated nearly a century ago, and are even more relevant today. We now know that our thoughts can change our bodies in accordance with the brain’s formidable neuroplastic powers. And we cannot separate these newly discovered truths from the effects of spiritual practices on our minds, emotions, and immune system. The techniques in this volume, particularly the scientific healing affirmations for healing of mind and body, put us in the driver’s seat when it comes to maintaining our health and healing ourselves. They enable us to create a reality in which we are strong, resilient, and capable of navigating life with grace and fortitude – one positive thought at a time. As you read these pages, I urge you to take the time to follow the exercises, as they will help you exchange harmful habits for healing ones, and receive the unfailing guidance of your own higher Self.
Dr. Maira Donatella Caramia, neurologist, psychologist, professor of humanistic neurology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Shivani Lucki is a pioneer founding member of Ananda World Brotherhood Community. She arrived on June 22, 1969 and, as predicted by the community’s found, Swami Kriyananda, she remained for the rest of her life, up until the present. In 1985 Kriyananda invited Shivani and her huband, Arjuna, to help develop the European branch of Ananda in Italy. They have lived there ever since. Shivani was the executive producer for the full-length docu-drama about Ananda, Finding Happiness.
Shivani has earned a worldwide reputation as one of the foremost teachers of meditation, specifically Kriya Yoga, and of Yogananda’s teachings and techniques for self-healing. She established the Life Therapy School for Self-Healing, the Ananda Raja Yoga School, and co-founded the Yogananda Academy of Europe. She travels widely through Europe and India giving programs & seminars in the art of self-healing and the science of Self-realization, & also training programs for meditation teachers.
Paramhansa Yogananda is a world-renowned spiritual Master who was the first Indian yogi to make his home in the West. A blazing spiritual light to millions of truth-seekers across the globe, Yogananda’s message of the unity of all religions and the path of Kriya yoga continues to be heard and appreciated by those who are keen to realise truth in their modern-day lives, regardless of age, religion or ethnicity.
Yogananda himself was helped in fulfilling his world mission by his spiritual predecessors, a story which he enchantingly tells in his spiritual classic, Autobiography of Yogi. Upon their request, he came to the Western world to help hundreds of thousands of people in their spiritual search. He gave these teachings impartially to people of all religions and philosophical persuasions, including atheists.
What Yogananda taught in the West was not religion, but practical spirituality. The techniques he taught are useful in all fields of human activity. They are based on methods of Self-awareness and Self-discovery which have been used by spiritual seekers for millennia. These practices include techniques for increasing the flow of vital energy into the body; for harmonising body and mind with soul and spirit, and for entering higher states of spiritual awareness, which he called ‘superconsciousness’.
Through his writings and the exemplary lives of those who live and teach his methods, Yogananda continues to influence and uplift people all over the world, by showing them the way to a happier, healthier, and more deeply fulfilling life.
Part VI: The Healing Powers of the Mind
Chapter One: We Are What We Think
Chapter Two: Your Mental Diet
Chapter Three: Superpowers of the Conscious Mind
Chapter Four: Willpower
Chapter Five: Visualization
Chapter Six: The Subterranean Subconscious
Chapter Seven:
Superconscious Intuition
Part VII: Habits
Chapter One: Habits
Chapter Two: How Habits Are Created
Chapter Three: Discovering Your Habit Allies and Enemies
Chapter Four: Eliminating Bad Habits
Chapter Five: Habit Exchange
Chapter Six: Superconscious Solutions
Part VIII: Scientific Healing Affirmations
Chapter One: The Truth Shall Make You Free
Chapter Two: Choose Your Affirmation
Chapter Three: Affirmation Recipe
Chapter Four: Scientific Affirmation Techniques
Chapter Five: Affirmation in Motion and Music
Chapter Six: Healed by Affirmations
Part IX: Divine Grace
Chapter One: Who Is Listening?
Chapter Two: Who Is Asking?
Chapter Three: Scientific Healing Prayer Demands
Chapter Four: Inner Guidance
Chapter Five: Channeling Healing Energy to Others
Healing with Life Force Vol 2
Oh my goodness! This book is full of tools for joyful and prosperous living. I am thinking that Volume two is the book to give my friends who are new to this path as it contains so many useful practices that anyone can use, regardless of their faith tradition, or lack of one.
— Martha O’Hehir, USA
Healing with Life Force by Shivani Lucki is a book which will inspire many people to make important life-changing decisions. The hints given there will be of great benefit to all those who are sincerely interested in changing their life from one of pure materialism to one of pure spirituality. This is a change which has to be made by every individual if we want a new world. I have known Shivani for more than twenty years. She is a true disciple of a realized master, Sri Paramhansa Yogananda. I congratulate her on her initiative in reaching out to the countless souls who are at a loss to know how to get out of the labyrinth of delusion in which they are entrapped.
–Vanamali Mataji, Vanamali Ashram, Rishikesh
With clarity, precision, and depth of understanding, Shivani has delivered a masterpiece that in my opinion must be made part of medical curriculum. Modern medicine recognizes all diseases as psychosomatic, thus emphasizing the importance of thought patterns engrained in subconscious mind as the origin of ill health. The many case studies presented in the book confirm my experience as a clinical psychiatrist: the practices of affirmations, meditation and positive attitudes not only help patients with disease remission but also prevention. A must read for all who want to live a healthy life in this maddening world.
–Dr. Mona Choudhary, MBBS, MD psychiatry, New Delhi
Healing with Life Force highlights a capacity unique to humans:free will. It invites us to apply this instrument to create good habits to replace unhealthy ones and to consciously choose positive thoughts to combat anxiety, negativity, and fear. We discover healing tools we never knew existed. I speak from experience when I say that what you find here will transform you.
–Dr. Kriti Maroli, MDS, Gurgaon, India
This book is a marvelous blend of science and spirituality, both necessary for a perfectly healthy life. Shivani has zealously endowed the Life Force trilogy with the elixir of the transformative self-healing teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, which she herself has practiced and taught for half a century. The delightful personal experiences of people from around the world add a dimension of immediacy, demonstrating that the practices in the book are effective even and especially in times of physical and emotional peril. As a teacher of preventive medicine, I know the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If we adopt even some of the wise suggestions in this book for both our physical and “mental diet,” we can develop strong immunity and enjoy better health.
–Dr .Pallavi Shukla, MBBS, MD, PhD, New Delhi, India
This book is the definitive compendium of the teachings on healing of Paramhansa Yogananda, teachings that not only set us on the path of curing ourselves from the fundamental cause of disease—spiritual ignorance—but that provide highly practical and immediately applicable methods that anyone can use in whatever situation life brings. Shivani has spent decades studying, applying and sharing these teachings, and these exhaustive volumes are the fruit of her profound dedication to the path of spiritual healing,as taught by the great masters of Self-realization.
–Hana Mukti Božanin, meditation instructor,Belgrade, Serbia
Healing with Life Force: Magnetism

Volume Three, Magnetism, reveals how the Law of Attraction operates in our lives: how it draws us into contact with friends from past lives; and how we can use it to attract the economic and human resources for a successful career. Sage advice is given for elevating the quality of your close relationships, for dealing with conflict, separation and loss. The section about your career and economic health offers practical tools for increasing your magnetism, achieving success and satisfaction in your work, and experiencing true, inner prosperity.
The final chapter of the trilogy demonstrates how we can attune ourselves to the subtle, vibratory healing frequencies of mantra and music; of nature, holy places, and inspiring people. Important techniques are given to reinforce the magnetic aura which protects us from negative influences that threaten our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.
In the Epilogue to the trilogy, you find inspiration for helping a seriously ill friend, facing your own grave illnesses, and preparing for life’s final phase of transition and transformation.
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Readers have access to the online Appendices using a QR code or URL link. Each of Part of the book includes extensive supplemental materials including a playlist of twenty songs composed by Kriyananda to enhance your vibratory healing process; over twenty articles by Paramhansa Yogananda and Kriyananda, many of them available for the first time, on such subjects as spiritual marriage; how to find true friends; secrets of success and prosperity; how to spiritualize business;vibratory healing, how to conquer the fear of death, and more.
Years ago, when I first attended Shivani’s seminars on meditation, prosperity, and healing, I found her to be an exceptional teacher and guide. Since then, she has influenced me deeply through her wisdom, and the immense body of practical knowledge and spiritual inspiration which she has assembled here in Healing with Life Force. Insights contained in these three volumes have given me invaluable guidance and practical solutions for my life and career.
How we approach success and fulfilment in our work life and career must be counted as a major contributor to our health profile.
Having served for three decades in leadership and executive positions with multinational corporations, and now as an independent coach for global technology and consulting firms, I resonate deeply with the importance Shivani gives to the Laws of Magnetism. Readers will doubtless be aware of the increasing challenges and stresses of the modern workplace. These teachings empower us to attract inspiration, opportunities, and collaborators that can make the real difference between success and failure for ourselves and for our businesses.
Shivani skillfully blends Western scientific methods with Eastern wisdom to help us heal ourselves on all levels of our lives. Her many decades of devoted study and practice of the teachings of her guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, add deep authenticity and authority to these volumes. She has a wonderful way of blending scientific practicality with intuitive wisdom to reveal how we can transform ourselves and become dynamic co-creators of our destiny, instead of helpless victims of our circumstances.
–Latha Gupta, MBA, executive and life coach
Before coming to Ananda, Shivani Lucki received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Ohio University in 1966, and went on to study jurisprudence at the George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C. She is founding member of the Ananda World Brotherhood Community in 1969 and of Ananda Europa in 1985.
At Ananda Europa Shivani has focused especially in three areas: training meditation teachers, initiating and helping Kriyabans, and teaching Yogananda’s practices of self-healing. She co-founded the Yogananda Academy of Europe, where she is the coordinator for the Ananda School of Raja Yoga and the Life Therapy School of Self-Healing.
Author of the enduring spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda is universally regarded as an enlightened spiritual master of modern times. He had the remarkable gift of distilling the essential wisdom of India’s great scriptures and presenting them in what he called “how-to-live teachings,” useful and accessible to us today.
When divinely guided, Yogananda would occasionally perform a healing, but his intention as a spiritual guide was to teach others the methods by which they could draw upon the inexhaustible Life Force to heal themselves.
Part X: Healthy Relationships
Chapter One: The Relationships Challenge
Chapter Two: Friendship
Chapter Three: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships
Chapter Four: Soulmates
Chapter Five: Advice for Committed Couples
Chapter Six: How Healthy Are Your Relationships?
Chapter Seven: Dissolution: Separation and Divorce
Chapter Eight: Loss and Love Eternal
Part XI: Prosperity and Success
Chapter One: Why Seek Prosperity?
Chapter Two: Poverty or Prosperity?
Chapter Three: The Law of Magnetism
Chapter Four: Money Magnetism
Chapter Five: Tithing Magic
Chapter Six: Secrets of Success
Part XII: Vibratory Healing
Chapter One: The Vibratory Structure of the Universe
Chapter Two: The Three Gunas
Chapter Three: Mantra
Chapter Four: The Sound of Music
Chapter Five: Songs of the Soul
Chapter SIx: Nature Therapy
Chapter Seven: Colors Communicate
Chapter Eight: Healing Habitats
Chapter Nine: Pilgrimage: Sacred Shrines and Saintly Souls
Chapter Ten: The Power of Ceremonies and Rituals
Chapter Eleven: Protection
Chapter Twelve: Points to Remember about Vibratory Healing
Epilogue: Transition and Transcendence
Chapter One: Overcoming the Fear of Death
Chapter Two: Give Up or Fight?
Chapter Three: Letting Go
Chapter Four: Helping a Dying Friend
In her trilogy, Healing with Life Force, Shivani explores the uses of subtle energy to heal us as individuals and rebuild the world as a whole. In this third and last volume of the series, she explores how to build harmonious relationships, how to achieve prosperity and success, how to use vibratory healing, and the art of transitioning from the body at the time of death. Knowing how to work effectively in these areas brings not only health and happiness, but peace and fulfillment into our lives.
What makes these books exceptional are the countless personal accounts of how people have successfully used these techniques and attitudes. Healing with Life Force is a gift to the world at a time when the teachings it shares are desperately needed.
–Nayaswami Devi, author, co-spiritual director of Ananda Worldwide
Brace yourself as you delve into this literary masterpiece, for its words possess an undeniable ability to unearth the hidden depths of your soul and reveal secrets of self-healing from one of the great masters of our times, Paramhansa Yogananda. The author seamlessly weaves together intricate threads of wisdom in such a way as to reshape the perception of our relationship to ourselves, to others, and to the divine healing power that lieswithin.
–Dr Ruchi Matta, physical therapist, acupuncturist
With more than five decades of spiritual knowledge and experience, the renowned author of the Healing with Life Force trilogy shares pearls of wisdom in a lucid, uplifting, easy-to-understand manner, welcoming to any individual exploring the journey of self-healing and soul freedom! In these pages you find step-bystep guidelines for achieving more dynamism in your physical, mental and spiritual health, in your relationships, and in your creative and economic endeavors—health at 360 degrees!
–Dr Noopur Gupta, MS, MNAMS, PhD, Delhi, India
What you are holding is not just a book: it is a treasure chest of wisdom that will make you healthier, happier, more confident in yourself, and enthusiastic about your life. Like everything that Shivani creates, this compendium of Yogananda’s teachings broadens our perspective so that we see ourselves as creators of our destiny. The personal stories of people’s struggles and victories included throughout the books hearten us to make every circumstance in our life a springboard for greater success.
–Andrey Skakodub, manager, Baku, Azerbaijan
In both its concept and scope, Healing with Life Force is a veritable magnum opus. It should and will become a valuable reference book for those interested in spiritual well-being and self-healing and, more generally, in the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Those who already follow his teachings, and those who will come to follow them as a result of reading this book, owe an immense debt of gratitude to the author.
–Sanjaya David Connolly, retired professor, Greece
3-volume set

Prana – Mind – Magnetism
The Life Force trilogy is available as single volumes, and and also as a set of all three. There is a thread that ties them all together, guiding you to greater health and happiness.
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“For the past ten years, I have been using many of the self-healing techniques which author Shivani Lucki includes in the Life Force trilogy. The positive results I have seen—their efficacy in bringing about lasting change—have convinced me that every single word of these teachings is packed with truth and power..”
– Rashmi Krishnan, Delhi