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Open to everyone who wants to dive deeply into the wisdom contained in Volume Two of the Healing with Life Force trilogy, whether or not you have participated in Deep Dive 1.

1 September to 29 September five Weekly Webinars

What you will gain:

    • Study and discussion of each Part of Volume Two with the author and other experts.
    • The ability to harness the powers of your mind for better health, success, and happiness.
    • How to become the master and not the victim of subconscious emotions.
    • Enlist the power of God’s grace in all activities.
    • A way to eliminate your harmful habits.
    • Discover and transform the thoughts that rule your life.
    • Guidelines for the correct practice of healing affirmations.

1 September: Develop the Superpowers of your conscious mind: concentration, willpower, visualization – Read Part VI, Chapters One through Five.

8 September: Learn to control your subconscious reactions, and open the doorway to superconsciousness. – Read Part VI, Chapters Six and Seven

15 September: Habits: Friends or Foes – How to eliminate the unhealthy ones and establish useful ones.- Read Part VII, Chapters One through Six.

22 September: Scientific Healing Affirmations as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda. – Read Part VIII, Chapters One through Six.

29 September: Divine Grace: How to ask, recognize, and follow inner guidance.- Read Part IX, Chapters One through Five.

“The mind, which is the creator, designer, architect, and the supreme builder in the body, is the supreme power to effect healing.” –Paramhansa Yogananda


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For more information and to register, please contact
Zenia: WhatsApp, +91 99224 03673

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